• IMG20240828181408
  • コンポーネントギター ストラトキャスター 配線直し Musikraftネック+FenderJAPANボディ Seymour Duncan STK-1 SH-4
  • 2025/02/05
  • Category:
  • ネックはミュージクラフト、ボディはフェンダージャパンのバスウッドボディのコンポーネントギター、ラッカー塗装にリフィニッシュされたモデルの配線直しです。











    This is a rewiring of a model with a Musicraft neck and Fender Japan basswood body component guitar, refinished in lacquer.

    This time it is special wiring and PU replacement.

    The PUs are STK-S1 and SH-4, old vintage Seymour Duncan.
    The sound is obviously different from the current model, and the older vintage Duncan’s sound better if you can get them.

    Series/parallel switch for each PU, and a Demeter MB-2 for internal wiring.
    The MB-2 is a booster and booster can be turned on and off.

    The blender wiring on the front allows for a Telecaster-like wiring state to be reproduced, making this guitar quite multifunctional.

    When wiring is made this complicated, the sound usually deteriorates, but this is not the case with this guitar, and the core of the sound is strong and clear.
    When the wiring is complicated, the sound tends to become thin and tucked away, so the simpler the wiring is, the better the sound quality tends to be.

    The STK-S1 is also unknown exactly because I could not find it, but it is a low gain PU with a clear sound even though it is a 2-stage stacked PU with a case.
    The rear SH-4 has a balanced sound without sounding obnoxious, unlike the current product.
    The current model is obviously not as good sounding and has a very different sound trend from the old one.

    The MB-2, which is installed as a booster, has a good volume up feeling, and if you raise the front and center volume, etc., the sound of each position is very good.

    This is a rare example of a complicated wiring that produces such a good overall result, but I believe it is the result of using good materials (old PUs and even current PUs that are good) as a base and wiring them correctly and securely.

    The soldering of the wiring is an important element that definitely affects the sound, so please note that such a complex circuit has many soldering points, which will have a great impact on the finished sound.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

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