• IMG20240923181031
  • FERNANDES Zo-3 配線直し・セットアップ
  • 2024/12/13
  • Category:
  • フェルナンデス製Zo-3の配線直し・セットアップです。





    This is a rewiring and setup of a Fernandez Zo-3.

    The sound was not coming out, the board was damaged, the effects were inoperable, and the power supply had reached the board, but we could not help at this point.

    We connected the wiring from the PU directly to the volume control and made it possible to play sound without speakers.
    We also discussed with the owner that he does not use the guitar with its own speakers, so we modified the guitar to sound like a normal guitar so that it can be played through an amp.

    The model with built-in effects has a complicated internal circuit board, and there is a speaker (magnetic force) nearby, so the board may be damaged in some way.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

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