• IMG20240722185446
  • Ibanez Axion Label RG631ALF ナット溝切り調整&セットアップ&配線直し
  • 2024/11/26
  • Category:
  • アイバニーズ製アクシオンレーベルのナット溝切り調整・セットアップ・配線直しです。




    This is a nut groove cut adjustment, setup and rewiring of an Ibanez Axiom Label.

    The wiring was changed to 11-56 strings with drop C specs, coil tap wiring for the attached Fishman PU, and coil tap (inside/outside) modification using ON-OFF-ON.
    The wiring was done after consulting with the owner and using wiring found on the internet.
    A switch pot was added to the tone and the switching function was moved to voice 2 (originally done with a switch, but now moved to this switch pot).
    The original switch pot now has a coil tap function.

    The Fishman PU can be used for a wider variety of tones by adding coil taps, so if the intended use of the PU is solid, it can be utilized.
    To be honest, there is not a big difference between the in/out PU location and the coil tap, but the sound will be softer or harder.
    It is not a big change, but it is a surprisingly better coil tap sound than I expected because I can get a sound with the output held down by the Fishman.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

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