• IMG20231203191456
  • FenderCustomShop ジャズベース セットアップ
  • 2024/04/07
  • Category:
  • フェンダーカスタムショップ製ジャズベースのセットアップです。















    This is a Fender Custom Shop Jazz Bass setup.

    It is hard to play as it has a very large forward bow.

    It is hard to notice the high string height of Fender Gibson basses, which are often sold new at music stores.

    After adjustment, there is almost no room in the truss rod. It is practically at the limit. It is not uncommon for this to happen.
    Even if there is room in the truss rod, it is meaningless to check the truss rod if it has not been adjusted properly.
    It is not at all unusual nowadays for the truss rod to have almost no margin after adjustment, which is why you should not buy one unless you have it adjusted and check the amount of margin before buying it.

    This is a relatively new model (2020-21), but I doubt how long it will last in this condition, so you have to store it with the strings loose, and in addition to that, you have to store it in a humid place to let the wood listen to you and warp backwards every day.

    Warping is a good thing, and in this case, warping in reverse will loosen the truss rod, which will restore the excess truss rod and bring the neck warp closer to normal.
    It is a mystery why so many people think that warping is a bad thing, but in most cases, it is a good thing because many instruments have no room in the truss rod, and they do not know it.

    First of all, please adjust your instrument correctly and check how much room there is on the truss rod in that condition to make a judgment. If you have not done so, do not make your own judgment.
    If the truss rod has nearly 100% excess after proper adjustment, you may leave the strings on.
    In fact, it is rare to find such a good one.

    Do not listen to a repairman who cannot explain why he says “it is OK to leave the strings on”.
    A common pattern is to say, “The guitar is made with the expectation that the strings will be stretched,” or “The truss rod’s power will balance the guitar,” but this is not true.
    These are the words of people who have never made a guitar themselves.

    In fact, guitars are not made in such a way that they can be balanced when strings are put on them, and if this were true, guitars would be made in a reverse warped state, but in reality, guitars are not made in such a way.
    There is also no guarantee that the tension of the strings will result in the correct neck warp when strings are applied. Wood is not all the same in terms of strength.

    The truss rod only generates a force to restore the warp caused by the tension of the strings, but it is not balanced.
    If the wood is strong and reinforced, it will not warp too much when the strings are tensioned. If a truss rod is not used, the balance will not be affected.
    The tension of the strings is quite strong, so it is natural that a neck with no measures (no reinforcement, no use of high-strength wood, etc.) will lose and warp in the same order as the strings.

    If it were really safe to leave the strings taut in the first place, there would be no reason why so many of these pieces with no room in the truss rod or in a marginal state would be on the market.
    Many dealers do not reveal information that is inconvenient to them. The larger the store, the more knowledgeable they are about this situation.
    Many repair stores and retailers also deal with instrument makers and music stores, and if they give out information that is inconvenient to the major players, they will be hung out to dry, so they do not give out correct information for these reasons.

    However, these factors are irrelevant from the customer’s point of view.
    It is a natural right to buy a good product and one that is in good condition for a long time.
    If they don’t sell the product in such a condition, the customer should point it out to them and let them check it before buying. To avoid any tears.

    Thank you very much.

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