ESP HORIZON ブリッジ交換 フロイドローズ交換
- 2024/03/31
- Category:
This is a bridge replacement for an ESP Horizon.
The bridge has been replaced with a Floyd Rose licensed product, and this is a genuine Floyd Rose.
It is very difficult to find Floyd Rose bridges, and even if they are available, they are very expensive and more than double the price.
When a guitar with a Floyd Rose is manufactured, the fingerboard radius is originally machined to match the Floyd Rose.
However, it is difficult to perfectly match the fretboard radius, so shims are used to adjust for subtle differences in string height.
Even nowadays, some manufacturers do not understand this point, so please be careful.
Specifically, the Floyd Rose bridge is a flat bridge, so if the fingerboard radius is too tight, the height of the first 6 strings will be higher.The customer also brought in shims, so we adjusted the string height and finished it up.
Thank you very much.
〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101
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