フロントにP-90増設の内容です。PUはRon Ellis PickupsのEllisonic P-SOPになります。
This is a PU replacement and setup for a Nacho Telecaster.
The PU is an Ellisonic P-SOP with Ron Ellis Pickups.
Julian large spec.
The original pickguard is slightly misaligned and the neck pocket is narrower than the counterbore.
This is not always the case with expensive instruments, so it is not necessarily because they are made by expensive and famous makers that they are carefully made.
The front PU gives the impression that the sound is softer and fatter, and it is a good PU because it does not have the bad taste of the P-90.
The rear is soft and not painful like a normal Telecaster, so it is easy to handle.
The center has been rewired and changed from the normal parallel state, 4-way to 3-way.
The center sound is good and the PUs sound good in all positions.
It is a multi-million dollar piece, but it is clearly better than the Fender Custom Shop, etc. People who really know what they are doing are buying these manufacturers’ products.
Thank you very much.
〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101
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