Heritage レスポール 配線直し&セットアップ
- 2024/09/20
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This is a rewiring and setup of a Heritage Les Paul.
If you are buying a Gibson or Gibson over Gibson, we recommend you buy Heritage.
This is a rewiring request to 1Vo1To.
Replaced with a customer brought exotic smooth volume.The PU has a bare knuckle mule on it.
This unit has a beautiful sound and it sounds delicate like a domestic guitar.When we adjusted the truss rod, we found that the amount of truss rod left was originally small, and it could only be turned about 180 degrees.
After adjustment, the truss rod is at its limit.When purchasing a used instrument, you need to check the amount of truss rod remaining before buying it.
Musical instrument stores do not consider what will happen to the instrument in the future. If there are no problems at the present time, then there is no need to buy a used instrument.
If there is no trouble at the present time, they are not concerned if the truss rod has little room or is at the limit of its capacity, and they sell it without any indication.If there is not enough room to adjust the truss rod in such a case, the instrument will not last for a long time.
The more expensive the instrument is, the more you should make sure you have enough truss rod to last a long time before you buy it.
Thank you very much.
〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101
ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound
東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪
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カテゴリー別アーカイブ: すべて
Fender Custom Shop ストラトキャスター セットアップ
- 2024/09/19
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This is a Fender Custom Shop Stratocaster setup.
It is hard to play due to forward warp.
The neck warp has been adjusted to make it easier to play.
Fender Stratocaster has a bad truss rod, so you can’t change the warp by turning the truss rod a little bit.
In other words, it is close to the truss rod limit, so it is necessary to loosen the strings and control the humidity to a good value to make it last longer.It has an Abigail Ibarra PU, and of course it has a Strat-like sound, but it also has a good sound through and good chord sound.
Thank you very much.
〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101
ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound
東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪
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バッカス ジャズベース セットアップ&ナット溝切り調整
- 2024/09/18
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This is a nut groove cut adjustment and setup for a Bacchus Jazz bass.
The nut height is high and difficult to play.
A high nut height makes it difficult to play, and even in the low to high price range, it is a part that is rarely finished with care.
By improving this part, the overall ease of playability and sound will change for the better.I have adjusted this model and found that it has a good sound.
Don’t think that because it is in the low price range, it is not good, but just by finishing the basic parts well, it will improve as if it were completely different.
If you don’t have an awareness in this area, you will not be able to get rid of “cheap = bad”.
Surprisingly, low-priced models are also well made in recent years, and just by fixing the parts that cannot be finished due to the price, they can be transformed into something similar to the several hundred thousand yen level, so they are not to be underestimated.Thank you very much.
〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101
ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound
東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪
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FenderUSA ストラトキャスター セットアップ
- 2024/09/17
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This is a Fender USA Stratocaster setup.
Is this something you modified yourself? Or was it originally made this way? It is unknown if this is the original setup or not, but it is a very rare spring setup.
Another old Eric Clapton model? I thought it was an old Eric Clapton model, but it is a passive model.
The normal tone is in the middle, and the TBX tone is wired to the center and rear.
It looks like the inside has probably been messed with as well.It sounds good but is in poor condition.
The truss rod is bent forward a lot, and even when the rod is turned to the limit, it is still bent forward a little.
It is not unplayable, but the overall string height is high and there are places where the sound gets stuck when chalking, so it may be better to do some adjustments.However, when the strings are stretched at the limit of the truss rod, the neck is a little warped, so it is possible to judge that the neck is not good enough to continue to use it.
I really need to keep the strings loose daily to avoid this condition, but it is important to find and buy a used one with a large amount of truss rod left over.Thank you very much.
〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101
ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound
東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪
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マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル●ツイッター DNS_Guitar
Gibson レスポール トグルスイッチ交換
- 2024/09/16
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This is a Gibson Les Paul toggle switch replacement.
This model has been replaced with EMG.
It was brought in because the front PU was not producing any sound.
We found out that the front sound was not coming out due to a defective toggle switch and replaced it.
After the replacement, the sound came out without any problem.However, I think that the PU switching parts such as the toggle and selector are the only parts that many people do not replace when installing EMGs. I have the impression that this is the part that often causes problems.
It is safer to replace all parts with new parts when replacing parts.Thank you very much.
〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101
ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound
東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪
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マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル●ツイッター DNS_Guitar
Freedom ジャズベース セットアップ
- 2024/09/15
- Category:
This is a Freedom jazz bass setup.
It is hard to play due to the forward warp.
It has not been used much, so there is no major wear, and it looks to be in good condition, so we made some adjustments to make it easier to play.
The warp condition also has a significant impact on the playability of a long neck like a bass, so even if it is an expensive instrument, it is often ruined by warp.
The more accurate the instrument is, the straighter the neck will be and there will be no problem.
The common “slight warp” is usually a large warp. It is often described as a postcard, but it is quite warped.
Some people think that it is a good thing to warp the strings in order to take into account the amplitude vibration of the strings, and while this is true in theory, there is a mistake in this theory: not everyone plays in the same way.
The simple fact is that the strings vibrate very differently for those who are strong and those who are weak.
For some players, the forward warp, which is based on the amplitude vibration of the strings, is useless, and the height of the strings increases, making it difficult to play.
For those who play weakly, the range of string vibration amplitude will be narrower, and as a result, the degree of forward warping will be excessive.
As a result, the degree of warping all depends on the strength of the player and the tolerance for vibrations.The tolerance range for the amount of vibrato is also different for each individual, and the preference for string height is also very different, so it is rarely the case that “the manual adjustment method is correct.
It is impossible to arrive at the correct adjustment unless the repairman has a good understanding and a large tolerance range for each person.The correct adjustment is a simple and straightforward argument: “to suit the person who uses it.
There are many one-sided theories and theories on the Internet that do not take this into consideration, but the right thing to do is to have it done in a way that feels good to you.Thank you very much.
〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101
ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound
東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪
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マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル●ツイッター DNS_Guitar
EMGを嫌うギタリストが多く存在する謎理由を実際に弾いて検証してみた。コネクタ式EMGは音が良い?昔のハンダ付けタイプが音が良い?か実験した。 ギタークラフトマン&ギターリペアマンの話 Vol.652
- 2024/09/14
- Category:
EMGを嫌うギタリストが多く存在する謎理由を実際に弾いて検証してみた。コネクタ式EMGは音が良い?昔のハンダ付けタイプが音が良い?か実験した。 ギタークラフトマン&ギターリペアマンの話 Vol.652
〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101
ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound
東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪
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マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル●ツイッター DNS_Guitar
killer impulse ジャック交換&セットアップ
- 2024/09/13
- Category:
This is a jack replacement and setup for a Killer Impulse.
This model has a special construction, with the jack under the bridge.
This is quite a tricky one, and the structure is quite unreasonable for fixing the jack.
The built-in jack is fixed at an angle, but it is forcibly attached to the narrow counterbore under the bridge.
It was difficult to replace the jack, and the narrow counterbore made it difficult to use tools, but the replacement itself could be done.
The string height is a little high at the truss rod limit after adjustment, but it is still playable.
Thank you very much.
〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101
ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound
東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪
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マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル●ツイッター DNS_Guitar
Gibson Country Gentleman ストラップピン穴修正&セットアップ
- 2024/09/12
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This is a Gibson Country Gentleman strap pin hole correction and setup.
The strap pin holes are gapped and need to be corrected.
I adjusted the high string height due to forward warping.
The strap pin holes inevitably widen with use.
This is due to the fact that wood is softer than screws, and also because of the load from the weight, the screw holes will expand vertically until they eventually fall out.
It can be said that periodic repairs are necessary, and as a countermeasure, if the strap pins themselves are modified and attached to thicker and longer screws, they will last longer than normal ones.
Failure to do so may cause the guitar strap to come off suddenly and cause damage, so make it a habit to retighten the screws every time.
Thank you very much.
〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101
ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound
東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪
●ホームページ Draw a New Sound
マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル●ツイッター DNS_Guitar
Crews Maniac Sound テレキャスター ポット交換&セットアップ
- 2024/09/11
- Category:
This is a pot replacement and setup for a Cruise Maniac Sound Telecaster.
Used, forward warped condition, truss rod limit after adjustment.
When purchasing a used guitar, it is important to check the amount of truss rod left in addition to wear and tear.
Both guitars and basses basically “warp forward” if they are used for a long time, so it is important to have enough truss rod left over to be able to adjust them as well.
The volume has been replaced with a lighter volume.
This allows the volume to be operated with light force.This is a new part, but the claws of the case were not secured properly and rattled, so we had to re-tighten them.
There seems to be a quality problem.The front has a fat sound and the rear is hard, which is typical Telecaster sound.
It has a vintage type sound more than it looks.Thank you very much.
〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101
ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound
東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪
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マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル●ツイッター DNS_Guitar
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