カテゴリー別アーカイブ: すべて

  • YAMAHA SFX-1 配線直し&セットアップ

  • 2025/01/13
  • Category:
  • ヤマハ製SFX-1の配線直し・セットアップです。









    This is a rewiring and setup of a Yamaha SFX-1.

    It is a model with a booster and the sound suddenly becomes quiet.

    The original jack wiring (black ground, white battery ground, and red hot wire) is complicated.

    We changed the wiring to 1Vo specification by removing the booster at the customer’s request.

    The screws are used wood screws, and the screw threads are broken.
    Used instruments are often damaged due to amateur tinkering by the previous owner, so it is troublesome if parts that are not currently available are damaged.

    When distorted, the sound is fat and has a wide range, like a DiMaggio model.

    The truss rod is near its limit, so after playing it, you need to loosen the strings and store it, otherwise it will be in a tough condition in the future.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • Gibson レスポール セットアップ

  • 2025/01/12
  • Category:
  • ギブソン製レスポールのセットアップです。




    This is a Gibson Les Paul setup.

    The sound was quite good.
    The sound of Gibson Les Paul is not necessarily determined by the color, but I feel that many of the honey burst models have a good sound.

    The paint also changes the sound somewhat depending on the thickness, so using the same color and painting the burst part darker or painting the burst part in different colors may have some effect on the thickness.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • Gibson ES-335 ナット溝切り調整&セットアップ

  • 2025/01/10
  • Category:
  • ギブソン製ES-335のナット溝切り調整・セットアップです。






    This is a nut groove cut adjustment and setup for a Gibson ES-335.

    Even though it is new, the nut height is high and difficult to play.

    Even famous and expensive models have a lot of variations in the small hand-worked parts, so if you want to use it properly, repairing is a must even if it is new.

    I heard that all Gibson products are pre-checked, but some of them are sound clogged, so it is unknown to what extent this is true.

    We were able to adjust the nut groove and make it easy to play.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • Tokai レスポールジュニア セットアップ

  • 2025/01/09
  • Category:
  • トーカイ製レスポールジュニアのセットアップです。




    This is a Tokai Les Paul Junior setup.

    The octave accuracy is good, which is one of the best features of Japanese-made Les Paul, although octave accuracy is usually poor on these models.

    The front PU adjustment screws are unusually hard, but there is no problem in using it.
    I think the previous owner probably touched something that caused the problem, but it sounds fine so there is no problem.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • Tokai ストラトキャスター フレット交換&ペグ交換

  • 2025/01/08
  • Category:
  • トーカイ製ストラトキャスターのフレット交換・ペグ交換です。









    This is a Tokai Stratocaster fret replacement and peg replacement.

    This is an old Stratocaster in poor condition due to fret wear.

    Many of the domestic products of that time have very good sound quality, and unlike today’s wood, many of them have high rigidity, so they are ideal as a modified bass.
    If you are considering an instrument that will last a lifetime, it is very important to choose the right materials, and it is important to find a used one in good condition.

    Nuts, frets, and other consumable parts can be replaced as much as you like, but warped necks are not easy to fix.
    The warpage can be corrected by adjusting the truss rod, but the range in which the truss rod is effective is finite.
    In other words, the amount of truss rod left over is an important factor for a long lifetime of use.

    It is true that many woods were more rigid in the past, and many guitars might not warp even if the strings were left taut, but today such rigidity is rare.
    This is the reason why you should check the amount of truss rod left before purchasing a guitar.

    For example, if there is a large amount of extra truss rod left on an 80’s piece like this, you can be sure that it is good wood that has held up well over these many years.
    Such pieces have a good chance of remaining in good condition with no deviations in the future.

    After the repair, we were able to finish the neck rigid and with a lot of truss rod left over.

    This is the kind of instrument that will last a lifetime.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • コンポーネントギター PU交換&セットアップ

  • 2025/01/07
  • Category:
  • コンポーネントギター製PU交換&セットアップです。







    This is a PU replacement & setup made by Component Guitars.

    Only the rear was replaced from 85 to 58 with soldered type EMG specification.

    The sound is softer and less active.

    The large forward warp has been adjusted to make it easier to play.
    The fretboard is also in a very dry condition.

    You can easily tell how dry the fingerboard is by looking at the color of the fingerboard.
    Anyone can tell this by applying oil to the fingerboard and watching the color change.

    The fingerboard is an unpainted part, so it is very important to keep it moist.
    It is especially important during the winter months because the fingerboard will warp when it dries out.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • Taylor 214CE 弦高調整&セットアップ

  • 2025/01/06
  • Category:
  • テイラー製214CEの弦高調整・セットアップです。









    This is a Taylor 214CE string height adjustment and setup.

    The guitar was purchased new and has always been left strung, and it is difficult to play due to the high string height with large forward bow, high rise, and top float.

    I believe that Taylor itself stated on its previous website that “leaving the strings on is no problem”, but that page is missing from the current website? It seems to be missing from the current website.
    Instead, it seems that it is better to loosen the strings and keep them a semitone to a tone lower.

    The customer has put on 10-47 strings to make it a little easier to play, but when he tried to adjust them first, the truss rod was almost at its limit.
    Since this is the case with 10-47 strings, if he were to put medium gauge strings such as 12-53 on a regular 11-52 light gauge, the truss rod would probably be at its limit and the neck would be bent forward, making it impossible to straighten the neck.
    The neck itself also seems soft.
    The softness of the wood is the reason for this bad condition, but I don’t think that many makers, not only Taylor, but also many other makers themselves, understand the instrument they are making.

    Even with 10-47 strings, the string height is too high to play only by adjustment, so the saddle was shaved and the string height was lowered.
    The fret board is in bad condition with some fret lift.
    This may be a good example of how bad the wood is.

    The volume balance of the strings from the amp was also bad, but when the saddle was shaved, the sound balance was improved.

    It is now at a level where it can be played at least for a while, but the condition is on the edge of a cliff for long use in the future.
    There are some things that manufacturers say that are not true, so you need to learn if you want your instrument to last a long time.
    Please read this blog or watch Youtube to learn more.

    Especially in recent years, when the strength of the wood has decreased considerably, it is not advisable to leave the strings in storage.
    And if a music shop says you can leave the strings on, it is like saying they are selling you something in bad condition.
    Basically, you should not trust the seller. The seller should be able to tell you whether the instrument is in good or bad condition by checking the amount of truss rod remaining on the spot. The sellers are all amateurs.
    What condition should you buy? Which manufacturer to buy? In the end, it is the user’s own responsibility, but if you don’t have the knowledge, you will lose yourself.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar