カテゴリー別アーカイブ: リペア

  • フェンダージャパン Fender LIMITED SWINGER 配線直し

  • 2025/02/17
  • Category:
  • フェンダージャパン製スウィンガーの配線直しです。





    This is a rewiring of a Fender Japan swinger.

    It was brought in because it had no sound.
    At the customer’s request, we replaced it with a pot that he brought in.

    We fixed the grounding problem and now the sound comes out.

    The customer requested that only the wiring be repaired.
    Please note that we can repair only the wiring, but any work that does not include basic adjustments will not be covered by our warranty.
    The reason for this is that we do not check the sound in the correct condition.
    Please note that we will not be able to understand the condition of the product unless you let us handle all the work until the end.
    If you are trying to do this work cheaply, it will be a problem, so if you seem to have no problem with these conditions, we can accommodate you.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • Creation ストラトキャスター EMG換装 EMG S 81

  • 2025/02/16
  • Category:
  • クリエーション製ストラトキャスターのEMG換装です。








    This is an EMG conversion of a Creation Stratocaster.

    When replacing a passive guitar with an EMG, all electrical parts must be replaced except for the selector.
    The resistance value of the active pots is very different from the passive pots, so they need to be replaced.

    The front and center are S, and the rear is 81.

    The S tends to sound clearer and more modern than the SA.
    The SA is more sparse and the S is clearer, as you can see when you compare it with the SA.

    Many people seem to prefer the S over the SA.

    The 81 is for distortion and specializes in distortion rather than clean.

    I have posted a video on Youtube, so it would be easier to understand the difference if you check the sound in the video.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • コンポーネントギター コネクタ仕様EMG→ハンダ付けEMGへ交換 旧EMG 58 SA

  • 2025/02/14
  • Category:
  • IMG20240901165736









    This is a PU replacement for a component guitar.

    This time, we are replacing the current EMG with a soldered type EMG.

    SA x 2 and the rear is a 58.

    The sound is softer and the distortion is lower compared to the current product.
    The connector type tends to make a shimmering sound due to the drop in bass, and a similar effect may be obtained by soldering the connectors on the current product.
    I have the impression that the output is also different, perhaps due to a change in the internal op-amps or deterioration. The current product seems to have more power.

    The SA is a very good PU and I have been recommending it for a long time, but I have the impression that the rear 58 has a narrow expressive power and is difficult to handle.
    I think the 58 is less used than the 85 and 81, which are standard PUs, but it has a strong sense of compressiveness and is very limited.

    Also, since old PUs are used, there is a possibility that they are broken or deteriorated and the original sound may have changed.
    Therefore, I am not sure if I am making a correct judgment, so this is just my opinion in the case of this guitar.

    When purchasing an old PU, it would be ideal if you could check the actual sound before you buy it.
    It is important to be skeptical about whether the PU is broken or not, because “there is a reason why it is sold in the first place”. It is important to be skeptical.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • HISTORY GH-BJ4 ポット交換&セットアップ タイムレスティンバー

  • 2025/02/13
  • Category:
  • ヒストリー製GH-BJ4のポット交換・セットアップです。





    This is a pot replacement and setup for a History GH-BJ4.

    This is a timeless timber model.
    Only in these days, the timeless timber models used by History often have a good sound.
    In addition to the good sound and rise, the color of the wood is darker than normal maple, so I think there is an additional effect.

    I replaced it with a volume skinny. The model has an active circuit attached to the pot, so I separated the pot from the base and replaced it with a new pot.
    I had to use a similar pot for the amp, so I wired it to a regular pot since we do not have such pots.

    I recommend History because of their good cost performance and low used prices.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • YAMAHA PACIFICA 112V セットアップ&PU配線

  • 2025/02/12
  • Category:
  • ヤマハ製パシフィカのPU配線・セットアップです。






    This is a PU wiring and setup for a Yamaha Pacifica.

    The customer brought this in because he had replaced the PU and could not find the wiring.

    The number of wires differs depending on the model of the PU. If you do not know how the wires are connected, you will not be able to wire the PU correctly.
    There is no common standard for wiring colors and roles among PU manufacturers, so a tester is a must if you want to work on PUs.

    After wiring, the sound can be produced without any problems.
    The sound is good and easy to play, but there is not much room in the truss rod.

    The truss rod is very important to make it easy to play.
    The wood tends to be softer and more warped in recent years, and the quality of low-priced models tends to drop or return to normal depending on the time of year, so it’s important to buy a model in good condition first.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • Ormsby Guitars HYPE GTR ELITE II ナット溝切り調整&ジャック交換&セットアップ

  • 2025/02/11
  • Category:
  • オームスビー製エリート2のナット溝切り調整・ジャック交換・セットアップです。





    Ormsby Elite 2 nut groove adjustment, jack replacement and setup.

    This is an Ormsby Elite 2. It is hard to play because of the sweetness of the parts for a new model.

    The electrics on it were cheap, so I think it is a low-priced model, but I don’t have detailed information about it because it is a rare make and model.
    The jack was replaced with a new one due to a problem with the jack.

    The nut height is not correct, and it is hard to play.
    The low-priced models are not well finished at difficult and time-consuming points such as the nut and frets.
    It is a basic rule of thumb to fix this if you buy a new one.
    When you buy a new one, adjust the nut groove cut and fret fret adjustment.
    This alone will improve the quality of the instrument. The basic rule is that the manufacturer’s manufacturing accuracy is not that high.

    Thank you very much… ♪

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • Squier by Fender スクワイヤー エレキベース Paranormal Rascal Bass HH 配線直し&セットアップ

  • 2025/02/10
  • Category:
  • スクワイヤー製ラスカルの配線直し・セットアップです。









    This is a Squier Rascal rewired and setup.

    This bass guitar is equipped with a wide-range humbucker, which is quite rare.

    The sound is fat and has a nice bass sound, but the sound is very slow when it is normal.

    All electrical components have been replaced to improve the sound.

    The PU is a good one, but the controls are cheap parts since it is in the low price range.
    Just by replacing these parts, the sound quality can be expected to improve.

    The front end now has a deep, soft acoustic sound, and the rear end has a fat, well-proportioned sound.

    This model is very good and is at a level where it is better to buy at the lower price point.

    The sound and playability does not seem very low priced, so I will not complain to anyone I introduce this to.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • Ibanez JS3CR Joe Satriani Signature Model “Chrome-Boy” フレットすり合わせ&フレットサイド処理

  • 2025/02/09
  • Category:
  • アイバニーズ製JS3CRのフレットすり合わせ・フレットサイド処理です。









    This is an Ibanez JS3CR fret mortise and fret side treatment.

    This is Satriani model.

    Basically, current products are not made properly.

    The reason is that it is impossible to make each one of them carefully due to the cost problem, and the labor cost is soaring, so it is basically impossible to make them in the low price range.

    There are few makers who have such high standards even for high-priced instruments, so the nut and fretboard are the most obvious examples of this.

    For the fret side treatment, a good finish means a high price, but depending on the maker, there are many makers who can make a fret side treatment for 500,000-600,000 yen, but it may be too subtle.
    The fret is rarely rounded well and accurate, so if you want to use it properly, you need to adjust the fret and nut groove if you buy it.
    If you want to use it properly, you should also do side treatment if you wish.

    The fret fret adjustment and side treatment made it easier to play.

    If the original fretting is not good, you will be surprised how good it will be when it is repaired.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • Knaggs Guitars Chesapeake Severn Trem HSS PU交換&セットアップ bare knuckle aftermath

  • 2025/02/07
  • Category:
  • IMG20240918195937







    This is a PU replacement & setup for a Nags Chesapeake.

    Rear is replaced with Bare Knuckle Aftermath.

    Front and center are Seymour Duncan order and the original is SH-4 for the rear.

    It has a shimmering but not hard sound, and the rear is a high-gain PU with a good distortion groove.

    It is a bit of a mystery why such an expensive model has SH-4 on the rear, but if you are using the same model, I think the rear PU would be much better if replaced.

    Thank you very much… ♪

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • コンポーネントギター ネック組み込み ワーモスネック組み込み ローステッドメイプル

  • 2025/02/06
  • Category:
  • コンポーネントギターのネック組み込みです。










    Neck assembly of a component guitar.

    This is a request to build a neck made by Warmoth into a body made by Squire.

    The neck was just purchased, but it has a large forward warp, and more than half of the truss rod is used just to straighten the neck.
    Inevitably, a freshly made neck has the potential to move and will generally warp forward.
    Ideally, it is better to assemble a neck that has been left for many years and is in good, stable condition, but usually it is not possible to wait that long.
    It is better to leave the neck for at least half a year to a year to check the condition before using it, as it often deforms after assembly.

    In addition, when a warmoth neck is assembled into the body, it is basically necessary to rework it.

    In order to install pegs, it is necessary to drill peg holes, tension pin holes, and joint screw holes, as well as to finish the nut, and to grind the fret board and side treatment.
    Be aware that the cost may be more expensive than you think if you don’t consider the cost of this area.

    After installation, the sound is good.
    The rostered tends to have a bass sound. It tends to be mild.
    However, there are idiots who say “Roasted does not warp” even now, so don’t believe them.
    If you want to use it in Japan, you need to paint it, and since many low-studs are in rather poor condition in recent years, you will be hurt if you don’t treat it like a normal neck.

    Since the neck tends to be mild, it may be better balanced with a light and jerky body.

    The front sound is like a full acoustic, and the rear is fat without being hard, which is ideal.
    I was surprised that it sounded more like a Gibson than a Fender.

    I think that rostered guitars tend not to sound as good, so it might be better to use a lighter body with a lighter resonance closer to the high end of the range.

    Thank you very much…

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar