This is a Fender Custom Shop Telecaster setup.
He purchased it new.
This time, the customer requested and received a detailed condition diagnosis plan.
We have a “condition diagnosis” plan in addition to the setup fee.
This plan allows us to measure the amount of truss rod turning, and to diagnose the condition of the instrument in more detail.
The problem is that music shops sell new instruments that are in bad condition without conducting such a detailed condition diagnosis (inspection), so it is better to return the instrument if it is found to be in bad condition after such a diagnosis.
Since the seller is not selling in a proper manner, this has become an environment where the buyer has to pay to deal with the problem.
This is an individual in good condition with a large amount of truss rod excess, and the truss rod excess is 60-70% after adjustment, so it can be considered good.
The original neck is slightly warped when the truss rod is fully loosened, which is within the general acceptable range.
This is also acceptable because the neck is warped forward with the strings stretched, and the truss rod range is used to adjust the warp by about 30%.
A weak neck will use a larger percentage of the truss rod.
For example, if the amount of truss rod left over is small, either the neck has a large forward bow from the beginning, or the neck is weak and the strings are stretched to cause a large forward bow, so a large amount of truss rod is used in the adjustment process. In most cases, it is one of the two.
If the neck is soft, there is nothing that can be done after completion. I will be able to get more information on this.
Thank you very much.
〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101
ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound
東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪
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