月別アーカイブ: 2024年11月

  • MOTU UltlaLite mk3 Hybrid 電源修理

  • 2024/11/29
  • Category:
  • モツ製ウルトラライトの電源修理です。






    This is a power supply repair for an ultralight made by Motsu.

    This model seems to break around the power supply, which is no longer the standard.

    We checked and found that the adapter was broken.
    After replacing the adapter with another one, the power supply came back on and the unit seemed to work fine.

    To be honest, many of the adapters that come with these units are terrible, and often come with adapters that are just under the amperage limit.
    If the adapter has no margin at all, it will be unstable to send stable electricity to the power source, and it will also put a heavy load on the power supply.

    If the adapter is damaged in this way, the damage is minimal and can be fixed by replacing the adapter, but if damage is done to the main unit, it will either be a major problem or a major part replacement.
    In any case, we do not recommend using this model because of the fragility of the power supply.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • エピフォン レスポールカスタム セットアップ

  • 2024/11/28
  • Category:
  • エピフォン製レスポールカスタムのセットアップです。





    This is an Epiphone Les Paul Custom setup.

    The scarf joint at the neck is cracked open, which is not a problem when the strings are stretched, but it is worrisome because it moves.

    It was usable only with adjustment and the customer’s request to leave it as it is.
    We do not think it will be a problem as long as it is not subjected to any major shocks.

    Scarf joints are basically bad because they often peel off after a long time.
    The original structure was designed to avoid wasting wood, but since wood cannot be glued in vertical lines, the surface to which it is glued is weak due to its shape, so I think it will not be able to withstand the long years.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • navigator ジャズベース セットアップ

  • 2024/11/27
  • Category:
  • ナビゲーター製ジャズベースのセットアップです。






    This is a setup for a Navigator jazz bass.

    Rear PU is broken or sound is thin -> Resistance value comes out fine with a tester, but if you turn down the tone, the sound gets much quieter, so it looks broken.
    PU can suddenly and unexpectedly die, so it is a consumable item.
    The coil may be broken due to a strong shock, loss of magnetism, or the wax inside the coil melting and hardening again due to high temperature.

    The truss rod is near its limit.
    Older instruments should be considered as being in poor condition, otherwise it will be difficult to keep them for a long time.

    Vintage instruments are also basically in bad condition, so even if they are not considered vintage, they are usually in bad condition after a few decades.

    Whenever possible, buy one in good condition at the time of purchase, and make an effort to loosen the strings when not playing and store it in an environment with stable humidity.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • Ibanez Axion Label RG631ALF ナット溝切り調整&セットアップ&配線直し

  • 2024/11/26
  • Category:
  • アイバニーズ製アクシオンレーベルのナット溝切り調整・セットアップ・配線直しです。




    This is a nut groove cut adjustment, setup and rewiring of an Ibanez Axiom Label.

    The wiring was changed to 11-56 strings with drop C specs, coil tap wiring for the attached Fishman PU, and coil tap (inside/outside) modification using ON-OFF-ON.
    The wiring was done after consulting with the owner and using wiring found on the internet.
    A switch pot was added to the tone and the switching function was moved to voice 2 (originally done with a switch, but now moved to this switch pot).
    The original switch pot now has a coil tap function.

    The Fishman PU can be used for a wider variety of tones by adding coil taps, so if the intended use of the PU is solid, it can be utilized.
    To be honest, there is not a big difference between the in/out PU location and the coil tap, but the sound will be softer or harder.
    It is not a big change, but it is a surprisingly better coil tap sound than I expected because I can get a sound with the output held down by the Fishman.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • Fujigen フジゲン EDR-5R セットアップ

  • 2024/11/25
  • Category:
  • フジゲン製EDR-5Rのセットアップです。




    This is a Fujigen EDR-5R setup.

    The truss rod is at the limit from the beginning, and the string height is very low, so the sound is very clogged.
    I don’t know where he bought it from, but it seems that the level of amateurism on the part of instrument sellers is getting higher and higher every year.

    If adjusted properly, the sound is good, and the 5th string is a solid sounding model.
    Especially for 5-string basses, there are many models in which the important 5th string tends to be stuck, and even though it is a 5-string bass, there are many models in which the 5th string sound is not usable.
    Therefore, when you buy a 5-string bass, you should check if the 5th string sounds more balanced than the other strings. If you buy a 5-string bass, you will not make a mistake if you check if the 5-string sounds well balanced compared to other strings.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • SCHECTER HELLRAISER ナット溝切り調整&セットアップ

  • 2024/11/23
  • Category:
  • シェクター製ヘルレイザーのナット溝切り調整・セットアップです。





    This is a nut groove cut adjustment and setup for a Schecter Hellraiser.

    This is a drop C spec with 11-56 strings.

    When down tuning, it is essential to change to thicker strings because the tension of the strings decreases.
    For example, D’Addario’s 7 string light gauge is 10-59, so you need about 60 thickness in Drop B.

    This model has a good sound and good distortion groove.
    There are many good models in the low price range as long as there are no defective parts, so you will benefit in the long run if you try and find a good model and buy it.

    Thank you very much♪

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • KSD Ken Smith Design / Proto-J 6弦ベース セットアップ

  • 2024/11/22
  • Category:
  • KSD製Priti-Jのセットアップです。





    This is a KSD Priti-J setup.

    Looks like a low end model from Kensmith.
    There is almost no room on the truss rod.

    The PU may be good, but the preamp is not so good, and I feel it is not enough for a low-priced model.
    On the other hand, if you replace the preamp with something you like, you can say that this model will change a lot.

    The accuracy is good, and I had no particular trouble with it.
    I would recommend this model as an easy-to-use option for 6-string basses, as there are only a few in the low price range.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar

  • Gibson Custom Shop フライングV セットアップ&ジャック交換

  • 2024/11/21
  • Category:
  • ギブソンカスタムショップ製フライングVのセットアップ・ジャック交換です。






    This is a setup jack replacement for a Gibson Custom Shop Flying V.

    It is hard to play due to the large forward warp.

    The customer brought the guitar to another store to check the condition of the guitar and was told that the frets needed to be replaced.
    Ignorant people may be tricked into asking for work, but please remember that there are stores that do this.

    The fretboard was easy to play after the adjustment, and the condition of the fretboard was not such that we should consider replacing the frets.

    The jack was replaced with a new one because it sometimes loses sound due to rust, and we were able to finish the guitar without any problems.

    Thank you very much.

    〒114-0014 東京都北区田端1-21-3 エーデルワイス101

    ギターリペア工房 Draw a New Sound

    東京都 山手線 田端から徒歩2分 どこよりも早いリペア早期仕上げ対応可能のリーズナブル料金&丁寧な作業のギターリペアショップです♪

    ●ホームページ Draw a New Sound

    マイチャンネル YouTubeチャンネル

    ●ツイッター DNS_Guitar